Authors: CMS Collaboration
CMS HIN-23-006
Website: CDS
Authors: JETSCAPE Collaboration
Submitted to PRC
arXiv: 2408.08247
Authors: Yu-Chen Chen, Yi Chen, Anthony Badea, Austin Baty, Gian Michele Innocenti, Marcello Maggi, Christopher McGinn, Michael Peters, Tzu-An Sheng, Jesse Thaler, Yen-Jie Lee
PLB 856 (2024) 138957
arXiv: 2312.05084
Authors: Yu-Chen Chen, Yen-Jie Lee, Yi Chen, Paoti Chang, Chris McGinn, Tzu-An Sheng, Gian Michele Innocenti, Marcello Maggi
arXiv: 2309.09874
Authors: Wilke van der Schee, Yen-Jie Lee, Govert Nijs, Yi Chen
PLB 856 (2024) 138953
arXiv: 2307.11836
Authors: Yueyang Ying, Jasmine Brewer, Yi Chen and Yen-Jie Lee
Submitted to JHEP
arXiv: 2204.00641
Authors: Yi Chen, Anthony Badea, Austin Baty, Paoti Chang, Yang-Ting Chien, Gian Michele Innocenti, Marcello Maggi, Christopher McGinn, Dennis V. Perepelitsa, Michael Peters, Tzu-An Sheng, Jesse Thaler, Yen-Jie Lee
JHEP 06 (2022) 008
arXiv: 2111.09914
Authors: Yi Chen, Yen-Jie Lee, Marcello Maggi, Paoti Chang, Yang-Ting Chien, Christopher McGinn, Dennis Perepelitsa
ArXiv: 2108.04877
Authors: CMS Collaboration
JHEP 05 (2021) 284
ArXiv: 2102.13080
Authors: JETSCAPE Collaboration
Phys. Rev. C 104, 024905 (2021)
ArXiv: 2102.11337
Authors: Y. Chen
Nucl. Phys. A. Volume 1005, January 2021, 122010
Authors: Z. Citron, A. Dainese, et al
ArXiv: 1812.06772
Authors: Harry Arthur Andrews, Liliana Apolinario, Redmer Alexander Bertens, Christian Bierlich, Matteo Cacciari, Yi Chen, Yang-Ting Chien, Leticia Cunqueiro Mendez, Michal Deak, David d'Enterria, Fabio Dominguez, Philip Coleman Harris, Krzysztof Kutak, Yen-Jie Lee, Yacine Mehtar-Tani, James Mulligan, Matthew Nguyen, Chang Ning-Bo, Dennis Perepelitsa, Gavin Salam, Martin Spousta, Jose Guilherme Milhano, Konrad Tywoniuk, Marco Van Leeuwen, Marta Verweij, Victor Vila, Urs A. Wiedemann, Korinna C. Zapp
ArXiv: 1808.03689
Authors: The CMS Collaboration
JHEP 10 (2018) 161, CMS-HIN-16-024
Webpage: doi:10.1007/JHEP10(2018)161
ArXiv: 1805.05145
Authors: Yi Chen, Joseph Lykken, Maria Spiropulu, Daniel Stolarski, Roberto Vega-Morales
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 241801
ArXiv: 1608.02159
Authors: G. Brooijmans, C. Delaunay, A. Delgado, C. Englert, A. Falkowski, B. Fuks, S. Nikitenko, S. Sekmen, D. Barducci, J. Bernon, A. Bharucha, J. Brehmer, I. Brivio, A. Buckley, D. Burns, G. Cacciapaglia, H. Cai, A. Carmona, A. Carvalho, G. Chalons, Y. Chen, R. S. Chivukula, E. Conte, A. Deandrea, N. De Filippis, N. Desai, T. Flacke, M. Frigerio, M. Garcia-Pepin, S. Gleyzer, A. Goudelis, F. Goertz, P. Gras, S. Henrot-Versillé, J.L. Hewett, P. Ittisamai, A. Katz, J. Kopp, S. Kraml, M.E. Krauss, S. Kulkarni, U. Laa, S. Lacroix, K. Lane, D. Majumder, A. Martin, K. Mawatari, K. Mohan, D.M. Morse, K. Mimasu, M. Mühlleitner, M. Nardecchia, J. M. No, R. D. Orlando, P. Pani, M. Papucci, G. Polesello, C. Pollard, W. Porod, H. B. Prosper, M. Quirós, T. Rizzo, K. Sakurai, J. Santiago, V. Sanz, T. Schmidt, D. Schmeier, D. Sengupta, H.-S. Shao, E. H. Simmons, J. Sonneveld, T. Spieker, M. Spira, J. Tattersall, G. Unel, R. Vega-Morales, W. Waltenberger, A. Weiler, T. You, O. A. Zapata, D. Zerwas
ArXiv: 1605.02684
Authors: Yi Chen, Daniel Stolarski, Roberto Vega-Morales
Phys. Rev. D 92, 053003
ArXiv: 1505.01168v1
Authors: Yi Chen, Roberto Vega-Morales, Roni Harnik
FERMILAB-PUB-15-091-T, LPT-Orsay-15-22
Journal Of High Energy Physics Volume 2015, Number 9 (2015), 185
ArXiv: 1503.05855
Author: Yi Chen, Advisor: Maria Spiropulu
PhD thesis at California Institute of Technology, December 2014
Authors: CMS Collaboration
CMS HIG-14-018
Phys.Rev. D92 (2015) no.1, 012004
ArXiv: 1411.3441
Author: Yi Chen, Emanuele DiMarco, Joe Lykken, Maria Spiropulu, Roberto Vega-Morales, Si Xie
FERMILAB-PUB-14-396-T, LPT-Orsay-14-76, nuhep-th/14-06
ArXiv: 1410.4817
Authors: Yi Chen, Adam Falkowski, Ian Low, Roberto Vega-Morales
Phys. Rev. D 90, 113006
ArXiv: 1405.6723
Authors: Yi Chen, Roni Harnik, Roberto Vega-Morales
FERMILAB-PUB-14-048-PPD-T, LPT-Orsay-14-13, CALT 68-2883, nuhep-th/14-02
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 191801
ArXiv: 1404.1336
Authors: Yi Chen, Emanuele Di Marco, Joe Lykken, Maria Spiropulu, Roberto Vega-Morales, Si Xie
FERMILAB-PUB-13-555-T, nuhep-th/13-06, LPT-Orsay-13-100, CALT-68-2874
Journal Of High Energy Physics Volume 2015, Number 1 (2015), 125
ArXiv: 1401.2077
Authors: Yi Chen, Roberto Vega-Morales
FERMILAB-PUB-13-351-T, LPT-ORSAY 13-73, nuhep-th/13-03
Journal Of High Energy Physics Volume 2014, Number 4 (2014), 57
ArXiv: 1310.2893
Authors: Yi Chen, Nhan V Tran, Roberto Vega-Morales
FERMILAB-PUB-12-588-E-PPD-T, NUHEP-th/12-13, CALT-68-2894
Journal Of High Energy Physics Volume 2013, Number 1 (2013), 182
ArXiv: 1211.1959
Author: CMS Collaboration
CMS EXO-11-030
Journal Of High Energy Physics Volume 2012, Number 12 (2012), 55
ArXiv: 1210.5627
Author: CMS Collaboration
CMS PAS EWK-10-012
Journal Of High Energy Physics Volume 2012, Number 1 (2012), 10
ArXiv: 1110.3226
Author: Yi Chen, Artur Apresyan and Maria Spiropulu with the CMS collaboration
CMS DN 2011-005, CMS Analysis Note AN-2011/116
Author: CMS Collaboration
CMS DP 2010-025
Authors: Yi Chen, Maria Spiropulu with the CMS collaboration
CMS DN 2011-008
Authors: Po-Han Lee, Zhi-Ren Xiao, K.L. Chen, Yi Chen, Su-Wen Kao, Tsung-Shune Chin
Physica B: Condensed Matter Volume 404, Issues 14-15, 1 July 2009, Pages 1989-1992.
Author: Yi Chen, Advisor: Gunther Roland
Undergraduate thesis at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 2008
Authors: Yi Chen, Vasundhara Chetluru, Yen-Jie Lee, Constantin Loizides, Christov Roland,
Gunther Roland, Marguerite B. Tonjes, Yetkin Yilmaz, Andre S. Yoon.
Contact author: Gunther Roland
CMS PAS HIN-07-002, CMS Analysis Note AN-2007/051
Authors: Po-Han Lee, Yi Chen, Soo-Chang Pei, Yih-Yuh Chen
Computer Physics Communications Volume 160, Issue 3, 15 July 2004, Pages 187-203.